What We Do 

Please see the range of Google Ads services we offer below

First...why Google Ads?

With so many online advertising options available, you might wonder why we choose to focus on Google Ads. The answer is simple: Google Ads targets users who are actively searching for the services you offer. This high intent to find a solution means they are much more likely to convert into paying customers.

While we have explored other platforms in the past, we found that although they might offer a lower cost per lead, the quality of those leads was often lacking. Google Ads may have a higher initial cost, but it typically results in a lower cost per actual sale or customer, leading to a better return on investment (ROI).


Google Ads Set up

Search advertising operates by placing optimized ads for specific keywords on the most relevant search result pages. This strategy significantly boosts your chances of attracting high-quality leads and converting them into paying customers.

We take the time to thoroughly understand your business and services, crafting your Google Ads search campaign to be as effective as possible from the start. This meticulous approach ensures you get the best return on your investment.


Call and Lead Tracking

Understanding where your leads and sales come from is essential for assessing what’s working and what needs improvement.

As part of your campaign, we will set up call tracking and form conversion tracking for your ads and landing pages. This allows us to identify the sources of your leads, ensuring you get a consistent and strong return on your advertising spend and our management fee.


Landing pages

One of the biggest mistakes in Google Ads is sending visitors directly to your website’s homepage or a general services page.

For effective Google Ads campaigns, the destination page must be highly relevant to the ad they clicked. A well-matched landing page increases the likelihood of converting visitors into leads.

That’s why we create specialized landing pages for each of your Google Ads campaigns, each tailored to convert for a specific service. We also test different versions of these pages to determine which one performs best, and we continuously refine them for optimal results.


Campaign Management

Launching your Google Ads campaign is only the starting point. While it’s crucial that your campaign is built, set up, and launched correctly, continuous monitoring, optimization, and improvement are equally important.

We manage all these aspects for you on an ongoing basis, ensuring your advertising budget is used effectively and continuously improving your return on investment to help grow your business.

Want to find out how we can help you?

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